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Max Shepherd-Cross


May 2, 2024

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Flexible Work Glossary


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New Office Management Handbook for Flexible Workplaces

Packed with actual experts insights and pro tips, this guide is here to help you find out all about managing a flexible office!

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A glossary of the key terms of flexible and hybrid working:

  • Flexible Work: A work arrangement that allows employees to adjust their work hours, location, or structure to better suit their individual needs and preferences.
  • Hybrid Work: A flexible work model that combines in-office and remote work, allowing employees to divide their time between physical office spaces and remote locations.
  • Remote Work: A work arrangement where employees perform their tasks and responsibilities from a location outside of the traditional office, often using digital communication tools to collaborate with colleagues.
  • Telecommuting: A form of remote work where employees work from home or another remote location using communication technologies to connect with coworkers and perform their job duties.
  • Work-from-Home (WFH): A specific type of remote work where employees perform their tasks from their homes, utilizing technology to stay connected to colleagues and carry out their responsibilities.
  • Hot Desking: An office setup where employees do not have assigned desks but instead choose from available workspaces on a first-come, first-served basis. This promotes flexibility and efficient use of office space.
  • Desk Hoteling: Similar to hot desking, desk hoteling allows employees to reserve specific workspaces in advance, enabling them to choose a suitable spot for their work on a given day.
  • Flextime: A flexible work arrangement that allows employees to vary their start and end times within predefined limits, helping them balance work with personal responsibilities.
  • Compressed Workweek: A schedule where an employee's standard work hours are compressed into fewer days, typically resulting in longer workdays but providing extended weekends.
  • Job Sharing: A work arrangement in which two or more employees share the responsibilities of a single full-time position, allowing each individual to work part-time.
  • Remote First: A company culture and approach that prioritizes remote work, even for employees who are located near the company's physical office. Remote-first organizations design processes and systems with remote work in mind.
  • Asynchronous Communication: Communication that takes place without the need for immediate responses. This is common in remote work setups, where employees in different time zones or schedules interact without real-time interactions.
  • Synchronous Communication: Real-time communication that happens instantly, such as video calls, phone calls, or instant messaging. It facilitates immediate interaction and collaboration among team members.
  • Digital Nomad: An individual who uses technology to work remotely while frequently changing their physical location, often traveling to different cities or countries.
  • Virtual Team: A group of individuals who collaborate on projects and tasks from different geographical locations, using digital tools and communication platforms to connect and work together.
  • Agile Work: An approach to work that emphasizes adaptability, collaboration, and iterative processes. It's often associated with software development but has been extended to other industries as well.
  • Laptop Lifestyle: A term used to describe a flexible work arrangement where individuals can perform their job responsibilities using a laptop and an internet connection from various locations.
  • Flexibility Bias: A tendency to associate flexible work arrangements with decreased commitment or productivity, which can lead to misunderstandings and biases against those who choose such arrangements.
  • Digital Workspace: A virtual environment that combines collaboration tools, communication platforms, and document sharing to facilitate remote work and team collaboration.
  • Work-Life Integration: A concept that emphasizes the blending of work and personal life, recognizing that the boundaries between the two are increasingly fluid in flexible work arrangements.

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Max Shepherd-Cross

Max Shepherd-Cross

Max is one of the cofounders and CEO of Officely, a flexible work enablement platform. He has helped thousands of businesses not only transition to flexible work but instil it at the core of their culture and brand.

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