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Max Shepherd-Cross


May 2, 2024

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The Challenge of Building Relationships for New Employees in a Flexible Workplace


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In the landscape of flexible work, one prominent challenge emerges for new employees: the difficulty of forming relationships and integrating into the team. Unlike traditional office environments where in-person interactions facilitate relationship-building, flexible work can present obstacles to new employees seeking to establish meaningful connections. Here's how to help new employees overcome the hurdle of relationship-building in a flexible work environment:

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1. In-Person Onboarding and Orientation:

Where possible onboard new employees in the office. This can remove the initial fear of the office, which may stop new employees coming in at all. Develop a comprehensive onboarding program that introduces new employees to the organization's culture, values, and team dynamics.

2. Mentorship and Buddy Systems:

Assign new employees a mentor or "work buddy" who can provide guidance, answer questions, and introduce them to the team. Regular virtual check-ins help build rapport and a sense of support.

3. Illustrate Important Relationships:

Make it clear who in the organization they should spend time investing in relationships with. Invest in Working Location Visibility tools, such as Officely, so the new employee can easily see which days those individuals are going to be in the office.

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4. Invest in Working Location Visibility tools:

It’s awkward for new joiners to reach out to people they don’t know to start building relationships. Use tools like Officely to allow them to be able to see when key people are in the office, so they can ‘tap them on the shoulder’ more informally. 

5. Coffee Chats and Introductions:

Organize virtual and in-person coffee chats or informal team introductions where new employees can meet their colleagues in a relaxed setting. Encourage sharing personal stories and interests to forge connections beyond work-related discussions.

6. Collaborative Projects and Team-Building Activities:

Involve new employees in collaborative projects and virtual team-building activities. These shared experiences promote camaraderie and help them integrate into the team more quickly.

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7. Regular Video Meetings:

Encourage the use of video during virtual meetings to enhance face-to-face interactions. This personal touch helps new employees put faces to names and strengthens the sense of connection.

8. Teamwide Channels for Social Interaction:

Create dedicated channels in communication platforms for non-work-related discussions. These spaces allow new employees to participate in casual conversations and get to know their colleagues on a more personal level.

9. Lunches and Social Hours:

Host lunch sessions or social hours where team members can come together to chat, share stories, and relax in an informal setting.

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10. Share Personal Introductions:

Encourage new employees to create brief introductory videos or presentations to share with the team. This helps bridge the gap by allowing them to introduce themselves in a more engaging way.

11. Encourage Asking Questions:

Create a culture where new employees feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help. This promotes open communication and a sense of belonging.

12. Regular Check-Ins with Managers:

Managers should schedule regular virtual check-ins with new employees to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer guidance. These sessions also provide a platform for relationship-building.

13. Recognize and Celebrate Contributions:

Acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of new employees in team meetings. This recognition fosters a sense of value and belonging.

Addressing the challenge of building relationships for new employees in a flexible work environment requires a proactive and inclusive approach. By implementing these strategies, organizations can ensure that new team members are welcomed, integrated, and empowered to contribute their best despite physical distances. Remember that a strong sense of connection enhances engagement, productivity, and the overall well-being of the workforce.

Next: Maintaining Accountability: A Shared Responsibility

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Max Shepherd-Cross

Max Shepherd-Cross

Max is one of the cofounders and CEO of Officely, a flexible work enablement platform. He has helped thousands of businesses not only transition to flexible work but instil it at the core of their culture and brand.

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