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Max Shepherd-Cross


September 1, 2023

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Embracing the Future of Work: 3 Keel's Journey to Flexible Hybrid Work


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I sat down with Will Schreiber, Director at 3Keel, to learn about how they have achieved a successful hybrid working model.

At the core of their success is TRUST! 🤝

Trust in their team to deliver results regardless of where they choose to work. They've built a culture focused on outcomes, not micromanaging hours, and it has been key to their success. Their team knows that as long as they're achieving their goals, they have the freedom to decide their work location and schedule. 🏢💻

Flexibility means empowerment and productivity 💪

They've equipped their team with the right tools like Slack, Officely, Zoom, and Miro to ensure seamless communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving, no matter where they are. These tools have been game-changers in their hybrid work environment.

They've also worked on promoting work-life balance by setting boundaries, like turning off notifications by default in messaging tools after 6:00 PM. They encourage their team to have face-to-face time with colleagues on office days, fostering relationships and driving creativity.

But it hasn't been without its challenges 🚧

Navigating through the challenges of hybrid work has been a learning process. They've created opportunities for in-person collaboration, especially for creative problem-solving and strategy discussions. They also encourage senior team members to actively participate in the office to set an example and promote the cross-pollination of ideas.

So, for all businesses contemplating the hybrid work model, their advice is simple: Trust your team, focus on outcomes, and invest in the right tools and strategies for seamless collaboration. Embrace the future of work and thrive in the evolving landscape! 🚀

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Max Shepherd-Cross

Max Shepherd-Cross

Max is one of the cofounders and CEO of Officely, a flexible work enablement platform. He has helped thousands of businesses not only transition to flexible work but instil it at the core of their culture and brand.

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