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Max Shepherd-Cross


August 23, 2023

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Navigating the Challenges of a Flexible Workplace


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Despite the obvious benefits of Flexible Working that we've already in this guide it's important to be realistic that there are considerable challenges as well. From encouraging office use to the challenges of onboarding new hires, if these issues are not addressed, they can destroy your flexible working culture.

Firstly, we deal with communication.

Communication: Bridging the Virtual Gap in a Flexible Workplace

In a world where face-to-face interactions are less frequent, effective communication becomes paramount. Misinterpretations can easily arise in written communication, leading to misunderstandings and even offence. 

Here are strategies to navigate and solve communication challenges in a flexible work environment: 

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New Office Management Handbook for Flexible Workplaces

Packed with actual experts insights and pro tips, this guide is here to help you find out all about managing a flexible office!

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1. Choose the Right Communication Tools:

Selecting the appropriate tools for various communication needs is crucial. Utilize video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet for face-to-face interactions. Instant messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams can facilitate quick conversations, while project management tools like Asana or Trello streamline task-related discussions.

2. Set Clear Communication Guidelines:

Establishing guidelines for communication helps set expectations. Outline preferred channels for different types of communication – whether it's urgent matters, regular updates, or casual interactions. Having guidelines ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding communication norms.

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3. Cultivate Working Location Visibility:

Encourage team members to indicate their availability and location through tools such as Officely. No one likes working from an empty office, so knowing who will be there each day encourages more employees to join. 

4. Foster Relationships:

In flexible work arrangements, building relationships require more effort, particularly for new joiners. Make it clear who new joiner should be building relationships with and use tools like Officely to allow them to schedule in person time together. Schedule virtual team-building activities, celebrate milestones, and make time for non-work-related conversations to strengthen connections.

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5. Maintain Regular Check-Ins:

Scheduled check-ins, whether daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, provide opportunities to touch base, share progress, and address any challenges. Regular communication fosters a sense of accountability and keeps everyone informed about ongoing projects.

6. Encourage Transparency and Openness:

Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, questions, and concerns. Encourage open dialogue through virtual coffee chats, feedback sessions, or anonymous suggestion boxes. This transparency helps address issues before they escalate.

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7. Use Video Conferencing Effectively:

Video calls add a human touch to virtual interactions. Use video conferencing for meetings that require visual cues and non-verbal communication. Encourage participants to turn on their cameras to create a more engaging experience.

8. Document Important Information:

Centralize information and important decisions in shared documents or project management tools. This ensures that everyone has access to the latest updates, preventing confusion and misunderstandings.

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9. Be Mindful of Time Zones:

In global teams, time zone differences can be a challenge. Use tools that display multiple time zones to schedule meetings at times that are convenient for all participants. Consider rotating meeting times to ensure fairness.

10. Clarify Expectations in Writing:

For critical discussions or decisions, follow up with written summaries or action points. This clarifies expectations, provides a reference for later, and minimizes the chances of misinterpretation.

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11. Adapt Communication Styles:

Different communication styles may be more effective in remote settings. Some individuals prefer concise written communication, while others may thrive in video calls. Being adaptable to various styles can improve collaboration.

Solving communication challenges in a flexible work environment requires a combination of the right tools, clear guidelines, and a commitment to maintaining open lines of communication. By staying proactive, responsive, and attentive to the needs of team members, you can bridge the virtual gap and create a collaborative and engaging work environment, regardless of physical distances.

Next: Encouraging Office Use in a Flexible Work Environment

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Max Shepherd-Cross

Max Shepherd-Cross

Max is one of the cofounders and CEO of Officely, a flexible work enablement platform. He has helped thousands of businesses not only transition to flexible work but instil it at the core of their culture and brand.

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