Events by Officely is an advisor for virtual and in-person team events. Allowing you to organise events that bring your team together no matter where they are joining from.

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Transform Employee Events with Our Chat-Based AI Tool

One of the most pressing challenges faced by flexible businesses today is engaging a distributed workforce through meaningful events. Our chat-based AI tool is your secret weapon for effortlessly planning and executing employee events that build connection, culture, and camaraderie, regardless of where your team is located.

Why Employee Events Matter More Than Ever

Building a Unified Company Culture: In a world where work environments are increasingly distributed, bringing your team together through events is key to fostering a strong, unified company culture.

Boosting Morale and Engagement: Well-organized events can significantly boost morale, improve employee engagement, and reduce feelings of isolation, especially in remote or hybrid settings.

Supporting Flexible Work Arrangements: Tailoring events to suit various work arrangements ensures inclusivity, making every team member feel valued and connected.

Key Features of Our Event Planning AI

Personalized Event Suggestions: Receive event ideas based on your team's size, preferences, and remote setup, ensuring every event hits the right note.

In-person, remote or hybrid: Whatever you have in mind for your event, Events by Officely will be your sidekick to creating an event no one will forget.

Instant Communication: Use the chat-based interface to communicate with the AI, making planning discussions as easy as sending a message.

Feedback and Optimization: After each event, the AI gathers feedback to continuously improve future event suggestions, tailoring them even more closely to your team's preferences.

How It Works: Planning Your Next Employee Event

Chat with Our AI bot: Simply start a conversation with our bot. Tell it about your team's size, preferences, location and any special considerations.

Receive Tailored Suggestions: Based on your input, the bot will propose a variety of event ideas along with optimal dates and times.

Customize and Confirm: Customize the suggestions as needed and confirm your choice. The AI takes care of the rest, from scheduling to sending out invites.

Gather Feedback for Future Events: After the event, the AI solicits feedback to refine future event planning, ensuring each one is better than the last.

Start Planning Memorable Events Today

With our chat-based AI tool, planning employee events for your flexible business has never been easier or more effective. Bring your team together, no matter where they are, with engaging, well-organized events that everyone will remember.

Officely makes flexible work, really work.

Officely Notifications Preview

See who is working where each day - whether they are in the office, at home or travelling. Get personalized suggestions for the best office days and arrive to find everything you need—from a desk to your lunch order—ready and waiting. All whilst getting full analytics of how your office is being used.

Learn more about Officely