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Max Shepherd-Cross


November 2, 2023

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How The Walrus makes flexible work, work


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"We trust our employees to find the balance that works for them,"

Every conversation I have with a leader at a flexible hybrid company attributes their success to that one word, trust. It comes up time and again.

Jennifer Hollett, Executive Director of The Walrus , which is known for their award-winning journalism and events, is no different.

It's easy to say, hard to put into practice. If you can't see your employees working in the office 5-days a week, do you trust they are working productively, or do you fall into the trap of assuming they are watching Netflix?

When I put this to Jennifer, her reply surprised me.

"We actually have the opposite problem; our employees tend not to switch off and overwork, rather than not working hard enough."

What a refreshing perspective.

So rather than put in guardrails to ensure their employees are working productively at home. They put in guardrails to ensure they are not working past certain times. Their Right to Disconnect Policy ensures employees log off at the end of the day and aren't continuously checking Slack messages.

The Walrus also invested heavily in their office to create a welcoming and productive environment, focusing on better airflow, safe areas, and a conducive atmosphere for creativity and collaboration.

"We wanted our team to feel comfortable and inspired, regardless of where they choose to work."

Flexibility has since become ingrained in The Walrus's culture. Their team can choose to work from home, the office, or wherever suits them best.

"We trust our employees to find the balance that works for them."

This trust has been a game-changer, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among their workforce.

But you can't just assume trust will build, you need a toolset that ensures everyone in the team is communicating effectively. Everyone needs to know who is working where each day and how to reach them if they need them.

"Our Hybrid Work tool set is Slack, Google Workspace and Officely. That's what makes our flexible hybrid policy work. It enables seamless collaboration, whether team members are at the office or working remotely."

"We understand the importance of flexibility in today's world, and our team truly appreciates it."I'm sure many people wish they had a boss that was a little more like Jennifer!

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Max Shepherd-Cross

Max Shepherd-Cross

Max is one of the cofounders and CEO of Officely, a flexible work enablement platform. He has helped thousands of businesses not only transition to flexible work but instil it at the core of their culture and brand.

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