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Alice Dodd


April 17, 2023

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success


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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

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It’s no secret that the hybrid work schedule has gained traction as a flexible and effective way of balancing work and personal life.

Hybrid work has become the norm for most businesses. In fact, 74% of U.S. companies either currently offer or are planning to offer some sort of hybrid schedule.

Employees who have not been offered this opportunity are starting to recognize the benefits they’re missing out on; improved work-life balance, increased flexibility, and enhanced productivity. 

If you’re struggling with how to ask for a hybrid work schedule, we’re here to help.

Follow these steps to navigate the process of asking for a hybrid work schedule with confidence and increase the likelihood of achieving an outcome in your favor.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Why Should Your Company Offer a Hybrid Work Schedule

Before we jump into the steps to asking for a hybrid work schedule, let's look at some of the advantages to both businesses and employees.

You can use this section to refer to when building out your proposal!

How Hybrid Work Benefits Businesses

Offering a hybrid work schedule isn’t only beneficial to employees – businesses will also benefit.

When employees aren’t commuting and have more flexibility to manage personal responsibilities, it positively impacts productivity.

Think about it, if you know you can work around personal commitments, it decreases stress and increases job satisfaction and work culture. 

Over 60% of employees say they would leave a business because of work culture, even if it means lesser pay. Prioritizing a positive work culture will reduce employee turnover rates at your business.

Hybrid work can also result in cost savings for businesses by reducing overhead costs associated with maintaining a physical office space. 

We’ve seen first-hand how businesses have rented out their office space, downsized due to lower attendance, and adapted their workspaces to cater better to hybrid work. 

One of the biggest reasons for a business to adopt a hybrid work schedule, is that not doing so will heavily affect your recruitment opportunities. 

So many businesses offer some sort of hybrid work schedule, that it’s become an expectation of prospective employees. If you refuse to offer any sort of flexibility, the likelihood is you’re no longer competitive.

💡 Of course, this does depend on your industry; those in hospitality will have less opportunity to work from home than those in a tech company. 

However, staying competitive in the job market should be a huge pull for any business that can offer hybrid work but chooses not to. 

How Hybrid Work Benefits Employees

For employees, the benefits of hybrid work are more obvious.

For most, the pull of hybrid work will be increased flexibility and autonomy, allowing employees to have a better work-life balance.

For one, you can avoid long commutes and have more control over your work schedule, reducing stress and improving mental well-being. 

Secondly, it also positively impacts your personal and family commitments; any caregiving responsibilities, appointments, or even post-work activities.

When you have a great balance between your work and personal life, overall job satisfaction is bound to improve.

As an employee, job satisfaction is so much more than just turning up to work with a smile on your face. It’s the key to productivity, engagement, and loyalty. 

As mentioned previously, while the first-hand benefits appear to be for employees, it trickles down to benefit the business too. 

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

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5 Steps to Ask for a Hybrid Work Schedule

Anybody deciding to advocate for themselves in the workplace should be proud. It's not easy, but the best way to face these conversations head on, is with preparation and a positive attitude.

Get your paper and pen ready, and follow these steps to give you the biggest chance of success in negotiating for a hybrid work schedule.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Step #1: Assess Your Current Situation

The first step in asking for a hybrid work schedule is to assess your current situation. 

Take some time to reflect on your current work schedule and evaluate your needs and preferences. 

You’ll need to consider factors such as your job responsibilities, personal commitments, and work-life balance goals. The key factor to determine is whether a hybrid work schedule is feasible with your current job role.

If you’re requesting this personally, rather than on behalf of a team or even a whole company, you need to find out if there are existing examples of employees who have successfully negotiated a hybrid work schedule.

Additionally, identify any potential challenges or concerns that may arise in requesting a hybrid work schedule, such as potential impacts on team dynamics or job responsibilities. 

Anticipating the pushback will help you to prepare yourself for the conversation, whichever direction it goes in.

The best way to effectively advocate for a hybrid work schedule that aligns with your needs and the company's policies.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Step #2: Research and Prepare

Once you have assessed your current situation, the next step is to research and prepare. 

Familiarize yourself with your company's policies and procedures regarding flexible work arrangements. Find out if there are there any existing guidelines or protocols that you need to follow.

It will also help to gather information on any relevant laws or regulations related to hybrid work schedules in your region, as this can provide you with a solid understanding of your rights and legal framework.

For example, in the UK the Government has made requesting flexible work a right from day one. Where previously an employee had to have been at the company for six months, they’re now able to ask from the get-go for flexible work arrangements.

While it’s at the business’ discretion to grant these arrangements, they’ll need to thoroughly explain and demonstrate why it is not a possibility, if they refuse.

It’s also in your interest to develop a persuasive case as to why a hybrid work schedule would benefit both you and the company

Highlight how it can positively impact your work-life balance, productivity, and overall job satisfaction, while also addressing any potential concerns or challenges.

Being well-informed and prepared will enhance your chances of success.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Step #3: Plan Your Approach

When asking for a hybrid work schedule, it's crucial to determine the best timing and method for making your request. 

Consider whether an in-person conversation, email, or a formal meeting would be the most appropriate approach. Your knowledge of your company’s culture can help you to determine this.

Using steps one and two, craft a clear and concise proposal for a hybrid work schedule, including specific details such as the days and hours you propose to work remotely.

Highlight how this arrangement aligns with your job responsibilities and emphasize how it will not negatively impact your performance.

If possible, it will really strengthen your case to use data or examples to support how a hybrid work schedule will contribute to your success and the company's goals.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Step #4: Follow-Up and Negotiate

You’ve done it! You’ve approached those concerned and they’re now considering your request.

Now you need to be prepared to follow up and engage in negotiations with your employer. 

Stay open to feedback and be willing to find common ground. If needed, provide additional information or data to support your proposal, demonstrating the value of a hybrid work schedule. 

Don’t forget to be proactive in following up on the status of your request and maintaining open communication with your employer. Show your flexibility and willingness to work collaboratively to find a win-win solution.

Remember, negotiation is a two-way street, so prepare to discuss and find a mutually beneficial arrangement. 

Persistence, professionalism, and flexibility can go a long way in achieving a positive outcome for your hybrid work schedule request.

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How to Ask for A Hybrid Work Schedule: 5 Steps to Success

Hybrid Workplace Wellbeing: How to Nurture a Supportive Hybrid Work Environment

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Step #5: Be Prepared for Different Outcomes

Even if you follow all of these steps to a tee, it's important to acknowledge that not all employers may be open to or able to accommodate a hybrid work schedule. 

Be prepared for different outcomes, including the possibility of your request being denied. 

However, don't let that deter you. 

Have a backup plan in mind, such as proposing a trial period or exploring other flexible work options that could still meet your needs. 

You can also pre-empt pushback by addressing how you'd conduct your day-to-day in advance, such as hybrid meetings or events.

You should also remain professional, positive, and respectful in your interactions with your employer, regardless of the outcome. 

Even if you decide to explore alternative opportunities, bear in mind that maintaining a good relationship with your employer is crucial for your current and future career prospects. 

It's all part of the process, and your perseverance and professionalism will speak volumes about your attitude and commitment.

The Only Way to Secure a Hybrid Work Schedule is to Ask

To increase your chances of success, asking for a hybrid work schedule requires careful planning and effective communication.

However, with thoughtful preparation and proactive communication, there’s no reason you should avoid requesting a hybrid work schedule.

As the saying goes; if you don’t ask, you’ll never know.

It’s up to you to use your powers of deduction to understand the likelihood of your request being granted.

At Officely, we’re huge supporters of advocating for a work arrangement that aligns with your needs and goals. 

Find out how we help hybrid businesses around the world create the best workspace for their employees. 



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Alice Dodd

Alice Dodd

Alice is Officely's content manager. When not spreading the word of Officely and hybrid work, you can find her feeding family, friends and strangers with her latest baking experiment.

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